QUIZ: Video Case Study #2

  • Due No due date
  • Points 14
  • Questions 7
  • Available until Jun 30, 2021 at 7:15am
  • Time Limit 120 Minutes



Client Objectives through Recommendations



Conducting an assistive technology variable assessment is crucial to your work in this field. In order to facilitate the development of this skill, we will explore case studies supplemented with video interviews with real clients to conduct an assistive technology (AT) evaluation. You will conduct the AT variable assessment in chunks, typically in this format: a video case study discussion in which you can bounce ideas off of your peers and receive feedback from the graduate students in the course followed by quiz video case study in which you will be graded on the accuracy of your completion of a specified AT variable assessment component.

What to do: Review the instructions for this week's quiz.


You are completing the assistive technology (AT) assessment with a new client. You will follow this client throughout the semester to complete your full AT assessment.

Before you begin this video quiz, please take some time to review the following reading:

Once you begin the quiz, you will be presented with introductory video segments prior to each question. Watch the introductory video segments carefully. When you have finished with each of the introductory sections, advance to the question related to the videos and answer the question. You will be presented with one question at a time.

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